March 11, 2022

Request for Proposals: Pondicherry Park Accessibility Improvement Project

 Loon Echo Land Trust (LELT) is a 501-c-3non-profit land conservation organization located in Bridgton, Maine. LELT conserves land for public benefit in the northern Sebago Lake region of Maine. LELT is facilitating the Pondicherry Park Project on behalf of the Town of Bridgton

The Project will enhance portions of the Pondicherry Loop and Willet Brook trails from Dunning Bridge to Willet Road to allow better access for the public including the mobility impaired, police and fire personnel and routine maintenance by the Town.

Described work to be completed by November 1, 2022. LELT will be responsible for any permits.


The project up for bid will consist of the following (contact LELT for conceptual design):

o  Eliminate existing boardwalks and replace with plastic culverts and proper fill.

o  Improve current trail surface with crushed gravel and compaction.

o  Eliminate barriers to independent travel, such as roots, stumps or boulders.

o  Install switchbacks (according to ADA design standards) in trail for wheelchair access/egress at Willet Road.

Additional requirements:

o  Trail surface to be stripped of loam down to mineral layer where needed. Wet areas may be fortified with a base material and/orfabric

o  Proper equipment will be used to retain trail corridor at current width and with the least amount of impact

o  Trail surface will be 5-6 feet wide and of a “universal access” standard, ¾-screen gravel, compacted.

o  Install erosion control measures where needed

o  Prohibit the spread of invasive plants by machines or materials

Site visit for contactors: March 31 at 9:00 AM with a rain date of April 1 at 9:00 AM, conditions permitting. Please send an email to Jon at if you would like to attend.

Bids must be received by 5pm on April 15th, 2022. Please email your bid to Jon at or mail to the address below:

Loon Echo Land Trust, ATTN: Jon Evans

8 Depot St. Suite 4, Bridgton, ME 04009


*A portion of this project has been funded with Federal Highway Recreational Trails Program assistance.

Loon echo land trust

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