March 18, 2020

Update Regarding COVID-19

We have several updates & resources to share with you regarding LELT’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Getting in TouchOur office is closed to the public for the foreseeable future. Staff are working remotely. Please email for general inquiries, or contact an individual staff member via email with specific questions or concerns.

EventsWe have canceled the following events:
– 3/20 Spring Sunrise Hike
– 4/6 Pondicherry Park Walk
– 4/18 AMC Earth Day Trail Work at Pleasant Mountain
* Other events cancellations will be posted on Facebook and our events page as the situation evolves.

Looking for trails?We have added an easy-to-use page to make finding information about visiting our preserves with formal trail networks easier.

We have also placed a box of trail maps and our preserve booklets outside our office. Feel free to swing by and grab one. The box will be sanitized daily, but please take your own precautions before and after touching the box and its contents.

Another great resource to find places to go outdoors is Maine Trail Finder.

For ParentsWe are working with our colleagues at the Maine Environmental Education Association and other land trusts to bring you materials & activities to help get your kids learning outdoors.

We’ll keep this page updated with ideas & resources to get your family outdoors (and learn something at the same time)!

Bored?Read our latest newsletter or go back in the archives.

The work continues…It might look a little different these days, but we are working diligently to prepare the trails for spring and advance new conservation projects that are in the works. Thanks for your support, we couldn’t do this work without you!

Be well and know the trees and trails are there for you.

Effective 3/18/20.

Loon echo land trust

Our Land is Your Land